Our team
Our Story

Jed M

Libby H

Rick M
A dream to do better.
The journey began with two brothers, wanting to offer Kiwis unparalleled service and leading expertise in carpets & upholstery. The boys noticed a distinct gap in the market for professional, local & high quality care - their plan was to do better!
Planning to succeed.
With a heavy investment in high-end equipment & top of the line products, the team quickly made a name for themselves as the ‘go to’ experts in the field. Despite their immediate success, the team at Carpet Lab remained focused on their customers - and a core desire to provide an exceptional service.
Looking to the future
Now, Carpet Lab has grown into a recognised player across both commercial & residential markets. Their attention to detail & ambitions to strive for excellence are the cornerstone of how customers both old and new are quickly recognising the Carpet Lab difference.